Purvangi Shukla

Who Needs a Therapist?

Who Needs a Therapist?

HOW DO I KNOW I NEED TO SEE THERAPIST? Are you thinking of seeing a therapist, counsellor or psychologist? But confused and overwhelmed. You might also face overthinking about self and how vulnerable I am that I need to see a psychologist. Then this is perfect information for you. It is significant for all well-being … Read more

Why is Counselling important for children?

Why is Counselling important for children

Counselling for children is one of the systematic approaches to dealing with emotionality and mental health. Children are very vulnerable when they come across new incidents of life or when they first interact with the rejection. Even the environment at home and school matters most. As a parent, you have encountered many obstacles in life. … Read more

What is the difference between child guidance and counselling?

difference between child guidance and counselling

You are a parent and you may look for professional help for your kid. But you are not sure what the is difference between child guidance and child counselling? Maybe you are also unable to understand whether your kid wants counselling or guidance. Here are some of the sights I want you to read before … Read more

How Mindfulness Meditation Can Benefit Your Mental Wellbeing?

How Mindfulness Meditation Can Benefit Your Mental Wellbeing

Psychology works on your inner well-being. It is not that you take something and change your thoughts and actions. But Psychology helps you to understand your thoughts, feelings and actions. While you are reading the above title you feel what is the correlation between Psychology and Mindfulness? Because you think and understand that Psychology is … Read more

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